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Plastic Reduction Program

Plastic is in every part of our world, including our ocean. People and companies can take simple actions that will make a difference.

Reduce harmful and unnecessary plastic use

Ocean Wise offers a range of programs providing a unique opportunity to tackle harmful and unnecessary plastic use. Through specially crafted self-assessments, one-on-one expert support and science-backed tools, we help people reduce their plastic footprint and get ahead of proposed plastic bans. Not sure where to begin? Watch the video.

Plastic Reduction for Individuals

From sharing resources on the impacts of plastic pollution on our environment and in our oceans, to diving into current research and solutions, we provide you tips on how to take action and reduce your plastic footprint. 

Take the Plastic Challenge

Already pledged to reduce single use plastic? Take our household plastic waste challenge now!

Plastic reduction for businesses

Businesses are critical to addressing the change our ocean needs. Join us in tackling our ocean's greatest threats through deep collaboration, capacity-building, and expert support!

Are you a…

Food professional?

Join Ocean Wise’s Plastic Reduction Program! Get expert Ocean Wise advice on measuring your plastic footprint and eliminating plastics from your supply chain.

Join Plastic Reduction Program

Apparel retailer?

Become an Ocean Wise Microfiber Partner!

Ocean Wise Microfiber Partnership

Municipal government?

Become a Clean Shoreline Community

Shoreline Cleanup

The Ocean Wise Plastic Reduction Program is made possible with additional support from

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