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Together, we can protect our ocean

The greatest power to enact change lies in each and every single one of us

We are connected to the ocean. We rely on it for food, water and clean energy. Two of every three breaths we take come from it. The ocean is also our first line of defense against climate change.

Climate change, ocean pollution and overfishing are pushing our ocean to the brink. Fortunately, we have the power to rebuild a resilient and vibrant ocean. Together, we can shape a globally sustainable future – for our children and future generations.

Information for Canadian and American donors

Legal Name: Ocean Wise Conservation Association
Canadian Charitable Tax Number: 11928-2119-RR0001
American Charitable Tax Number: 98-0050185
Address: 101-440 Cambie St, Vancouver, BC, V6B 2N5, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (604) 659-3800

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