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Report a Sighting

Are you a citizen scientist who likes to keep track of the whales, dolphins, porpoises and sea turtles that you see along our coast? Join the Ocean Wise Cetacean Sightings Network and save a whale.

When you report sightings, large ships in your area are immediately alerted so they can take measures to avoid a ship strike or disturbance.

Did you see a whale? Let us know!

Through Ocean Wise’s Cetacean Sighting Network you can contribute to conservation-based research by submitting sightings of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) and sea turtles in and around northern Washington, British Columbia (B.C.), and southeast Alaskan waters.

Report a Sighting with WhaleReport App

Help the Ocean Wise Sightings Network gather data on the occurrence and distribution of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and sea turtles. If you see a cetacean or sea turtle in B.C. waters, use the WhaleReport App to report what you see and directly contribute to important conservation-based research.

Once submitted, your sightings will appear on your personalized map in the ‘Map’ tab. Your report will be reviewed by the Sightings Network team and you may be contacted with follow-up questions.

Use the WhaleReport app to:

  • Learn more about the 23 species of cetacean and four species of sea turtles that inhabit B.C. waters
  • View the Be Whale Wise guidelines for responsible marine wildlife viewing
  • Record sightings when out of mobile reception range
  • Track and observe sightings you’ve submitted via a personalized sightings summary

Download our WhaleReport app

How to Use the WhaleReport App

Apply for the Team Sighting Portal

Are you an organization or business who would benefit from aggregated data from are WhaleReport app? Please complete the Team Sightings Portal Application and have each member fill in the Team Member Consent form. Return completed forms to [email protected].

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