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Support the Ride for the Future!

Bid on one of the amazing items on offer including private luxury dinners with Ocean Wise Seafood in Halifax, Cambridge, Montreal, Vancouver or Calgary

More plastic than fish. That’s a scary thought. Join cyclist and sailor Isabella Bertold in the fight to save our ocean.

Isabella Bertold is always looking to the next challenge. A professional cyclist with InstaFund Racing and a professional sailor with the SailGP Canada team she knows what it means to put her head down and do the work.

It was while racing on the Olympic circuit for Rio that Isabella began to realize there were other challenges calling to her. “While preparing for Rio I realized just how bad pollution in our ocean was,” she says. “Everyday I would bike by water was just filled with millions of plastic pieces…as well as whole pieces of furniture, dolls, stuffed animals. Anything you can imagine it seemed. That was a wakeup call for me. That is really what changed my focus and thinking as an individual.”


Wanting to do her part, Isabella decided that she would work with both her cycling and sailing teams to become carbon neutral. And, as strategist with SailGP Canada she’s set her sights on winning the Impact League with Ocean Wise as her Race for the Future partner. Together we’re

  • Cutting the team’s dependence on unnecessary plastic,
  • Raising awareness of the carbon offsetting opportunity of kelp forests, and
  • Studying the presence and differences of microplastics worldwide.

But she is not stopping there.

To raise awareness of just how dire the issue of ocean pollution is, Isabella is riding 1100km in five days between Saint Tropez and Cadiz. Her ride, bookended by two SailGP events taking place in these two locations, will also fundraise in support of ocean conservation work at Ocean Wise.


Isabella will be racing the SailGP event in Saint Tropez, which takes place on September 10th and 11th. The morning of the 12th she will then set off on her ride in the direction of Cadiz. Though obviously an accomplished athlete, the types of daily distances she will have to cover will definitely be a challenge for Bertold. “I know 350km in one day may not be that long of a distance for some people, but all of these days are going to be my longest days ever on the bike!” Isabella said.

With a challenging week of riding before participating in the SailGP Cadiz event, Isabella is certain to have some pretty epic tan lines by the time she finishes. “Since SailGP teams act as the racers and the pit crew, we have to be there to take down and set everything up again at the next location,” Isabella explained.


“I figured that the challenge of riding between Saint Tropez and Cadiz could draw a lot of attention from both the cycling and the sailing community,” says Isabella. “Thinking that I’d like to put this attention to good use I connected with my friends at Factor bikes, SailGP and Ocean Wise to create a fundraiser.”

So, in the middle of planning two sailing races and an epic cycle tour Isabella pulled together an online auction at, offering fans a chance to bid on a range of items including a custom Factor OSTRO Vam or one of five luxury dinners with world class chefs and Ocean Wise Seafood.


When approached with the opportunity to share their culinary skills to help protect the ocean five Ocean Wise Seafood partners raised their hands. Now, Isabella is able to offer five private luxury dinners available (one each in Calgary, Vancouver, Halifax, Cambridge and Montreal) with funds from each going to support Ocean Wise!

Bring the luxury of fine dining to the intimacy and comfort of your home with this private dining
experience. One of the Chefs will cook an exquisite meal in YOUR HOME for up to 6 guests. Learn more and bid at

Calgary, AB with Chef Scott Mackenzie

Executive Chef Scott Mackenzie from Calgary’s iconic River Café will cook an exquisite meal in YOUR HOME for up to 6 guests. Whether you want to be the envy of your friends at your next dinner party or you have an anniversary celebration coming up, what better way to elevate the evening than having the Executive Chef of one of Canada’s top restaurants show you how the professionals create sensational plates from local products.

Bid on a dinner with Chef Mark

Vancouver, BC with Chef Robert Clark

Having received the Order of Canada for his work in seafood sustainability you know you will only get the best with Chef Rob. The executive chef of many of the city’s finest restaurants in the past has now turned his talents to being the Chief Culinary Officer at Organic Ocean. With an enviable career there is no stopping this force of nature and Chef Rob is excited to be working more closely with indigenous fisheries partners. With great tales to tell, there won’t be a dull moment at this dinner!

Bid on a dinner with Chef Robert

Halifax, NS with Chef Chris Velden

Owner of the Flying Apron Chef Chris Velden will cook an exquisite meal in YOUR HOME for up to 6 guests. As a European trained Master Chef with over 40 years experience who describes himself as “a cook who loves to teach” there’s no one better placed to show you how to get the most out of your kitchen. His restaurant is known fondly as the Dessert Oasis for good reason, you will not want to skip on the final course! With an enviable menu of produce sourced primarily within 15 minutes of the restaurant, this is a true taste of Halifax.

Bid on a dinner with Chef Chris

Toronto Area, ON with Chef Jason Bangerter

Executive Chef Jason Bangerter from Langdon Hall will cook an exquisite meal in YOUR HOME for up to 6 guests. Executive Chef, Jason Bangerter, having trained under the likes of Marco Pierre White and Anton Mosimann, has brought his carefully honed talents to Cambridge’s Langdon Hall which is currently ranked 5th in Canada’s Top 100 restaurants! With a strong focus on local Ontario produce Jason brings excellence to every dish he plates and with a new cookbook out this year this chef is in high demand.

Bid on a dinner with Chef Jason

Montreal, QC with Marc-André Royal

Bring the luxury of fine dining to the intimacy and comfort of your home with this private dining experience. Co-owner of Le St-Urbain, Chef Marc-André will cook outstanding contemporary regional cuisine that has garnered Le St-Urbain much critical acclaim and Chef Marc has gone on to open 3 La Bête à Pain locations specializing in breads and pastries. So there is no doubt that this chef will dazzle you whether you have a sweet tooth or hanker for the savoury side of life. No one does seasonal Quebec cuisine quite like Chef Marc!

Bid on a dinner with Chef Marc-André

This blog is developed in collaboration with Factor Bikes and SailGP Canada.

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