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Join the Plastic Reduction Program

Restaurants and food service businesses are welcome to join Ocean Wise as a Plastic Reduction Program partner.

For businesses who want to be part of the solution to plastic pollution.

As a business, you have a unique opportunity to protect the ocean from plastic waste.

Ocean Wise’s Plastic Reduction Program is a hub for professionals to access tools and get one-on-one support for your plastic reduction journey. In collaboration with experts and like-minded peers, we can help you reduce unnecessary plastic and increase recycling.

Join us and…

  • Get ahead of proposed plastics bans and bylaws, locally and nationally
  • Reduce unnecessary costs from inventory and waste disposal fees
  • Enhance your brand reputation and build customer loyalty
  • Access free, one-on-one expert support and science-backed tools
  • Make a real difference – scale your impact with collective action!

Ready to join the Plastic Reduction Program? Apply below.

Apply Today!

Become a Plastic Reduction Partner

To become a partner in the Ocean Wise Plastic Reduction Program, it’s as easy as:

  1. Using our simple tool to measure your plastic footprint 
  2. Setting targets to refuse, reduce, reuse, or better recycle plastics
  3. Reporting your progress and share your success

In return we’ll make it easy for you to:

  1. Understand where you are unnecessarily using plastic
  2. Identify cost savings by reducing waste disposal fees and single-use plastic expenses
  3. Get recognized for the steps you’ve taken to cut your plastic footprint

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